This was my 40th Design Automation Conference and based on my follow-up conversations inside the semiconductor ecosystem it did not disappoint. The gauge I use for exhibitors is “qualified customer engagements” that may result in the sale of their products. This DAC was the best for that metric since the pandemic, absolutely.… Read More
Tag: san francisco
Leti Semicon Workshop
Join CEA-Leti CEO Sébastien Dauvé and a panel of tech experts and partners at Leti Semicon Workshop on July 9, 2024 – San Francisco
CEA-Leti is setting up a novel R&D prototyping pilot line that aims to combine efficient computing solutions, FD-SOI and derivative architectures for More than Moore applications in areas such… Read More
Vacationing with the Fabless Semiconductor Ecosystem!
The Design Automation Conference is the largest and most diverse event in the fabless semiconductor ecosystem. Next week in San Francisco you will see technology and people you have never seen before. You will benefit from the efforts of hundreds of thousands of semiconductor professionals like myself who have dedicated their… Read More
Ten Things to Do in San Francisco the Way the Locals Do
DAC is in San Francisco, of course, and perhaps you have a day or two to do explore the city. Guidebooks will tell you to visit most of these places but there are much better ways to see them than they typically recommend. Follow these instructions and pretend you are a local.
1. Ride a Cable Car. But don’t wait in line for 45 minutes at Union… Read More
Networking at 52nd DAC in SFO
Yes, the 52nd DAC(Design Automation Conference) is a technical conference plus exhibition with wonderful keynote speakers and agenda, however there is a certain serendipity that occurs by just meeting people, face to face at the many networking opportunities. The best way to kick off your DAC experience is by attending the Sunday… Read More
Advice for Out-of-towners
You are visiting San Francisco and you have dutifully read your guide book. Let me give you some contrarian advice.
See the Golden Gate Bridge. The best way is not to drive there or get a taxi, but to rent a bicycle (lots of places on that side of the city, try Googling “blazing saddles”) and cycle across the bridge. You can then go down … Read More
SEMICON West 2014 Preview
There is a really big conference coming up in San Francisco…no, not DAC although of course that is coming up too. I’m talking about SEMICON West which is much bigger, filling all 3 Moscone exhibit halls. It is July 8-10th. It is, of course, the semiconductor equipment industry (and solar) show.
The opening keynote on… Read More
RTL Designers Can Win a GoPro Camera at DAC
DACis just 33 days away and who wouldn’t want a cool GoPro camerato play with? Your manager will certainly want you to first check out what’s new at DAC if your job involves getting to RTL signoff on time and within budget. The creative folks at Atrenta have figured out how to attract us with the offer of winning a GoPro camera,… Read More
Semicon West
I have been spending some time at Semicon West at the Moscone center the last couple of days. Since it was only a month ago that I was there for DAC, the first contrast is the size of the show. DAC didn’t fill Moscone South. Semicon fills Moscone South, and North, and the corridor between. And Moscone West on the other side of 4th … Read More
DAC 2012…need caffeine?
You are in San Francisco for DAC and you want a coffee. OK, if your booth duty is 5 minutes away you pretty much have to take the Moscone coffee. Tastes good, hot, has caffeine. As Meatloaf used to sing (showing my age here) two out of three ain’t bad.
Yes, there are Starbucks all over the city, one on 4th Street just by Moscone Center,… Read More