Electromagnetic and Circuit RLCK Extraction and Simulation for Advanced Silicon, Interposers and Package Designs

Electromagnetic and Circuit RLCK Extraction and Simulation for Advanced Silicon, Interposers and Package Designs
by Tom Dillinger on 03-16-2021 at 6:00 am

spiral complex

For years, there have been rather distinct domains for the extraction of interconnect models from physical design data.

Chip designers commonly focused on RC parasitics for circuit/path delay calculations and dynamic I*R voltage drop analysis.  The annotation of extracted parasitics to a netlist model required the layout… Read More

Need Electromagnetic Simulations for ICs?

Need Electromagnetic Simulations for ICs?
by Daniel Nenni on 02-11-2021 at 6:00 am

RaptorH in Virtuoso

Electromagnetic (EM) simulations have been performed on die metal structures since the 1990s. Originally, the analysis was restricted to a single device (e.g., a spiral inductor). The number of on-die devices simulated simultaneously grew with the increasing capabilities of the computers performing the computations. This… Read More