Cadence ClosedAccess

Cadence ClosedAccess
by Paul McLellan on 09-11-2011 at 4:00 pm

There are various rumors around about Cadence starting to close up stuff that has been open for a long time. Way back in the midst of time, as part of the acquisition of CCT, the Federal Trade Commission forced Cadence to open up LEF/DEF and allow interoperability of Cadence tools (actually only place and route) I believe for 10 years.… Read More

Adjusting Custom IP to Process Changes

Adjusting Custom IP to Process Changes
by Daniel Nenni on 05-16-2011 at 1:57 pm

A High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) IP core was being implemented in an advanced process technology. This fairly large and complex analog mixed-signal (AMS) IP comprising over 130K devices was close to being finalized and shipped to the customer. But many design rules at the foundry were unexpectedly changed fromRead More

Semiconductor Quidditch @ DesignCon 2011!

Semiconductor Quidditch @ DesignCon 2011!
by Daniel Nenni on 01-26-2011 at 10:09 pm

Process Design Kit (PDK) development is one of the most entertaining things to watch in the semiconductor design world. It is kind of like the Golden Snitch in the game of Quidditch. No matter how rough EDA vendors play the game, no matter what the score is, it’s the vendor that “gets” the Golden PDK Snitch that wins the semiconductor… Read More