Synopsys Enhances PPA with Backside Routing

Synopsys Enhances PPA with Backside Routing
by Mike Gianfagna on 03-19-2024 at 6:00 am

Comparison of frontside and backside PDNs (Source IMEC)

Complexity and density conspire to make power delivery very difficult for advanced SoCs. Signal integrity, power integrity, reliability and heat can seem to present unsolvable problems when it comes to efficient power management. There is just not enough room to get it all done with the routing layers available on the top side… Read More

How MZ Technologies is Making Multi-Die Design a Reality

How MZ Technologies is Making Multi-Die Design a Reality
by Mike Gianfagna on 03-04-2024 at 6:00 am

How MZ Technologies is Making Multi Die Design a Reality

The next design revolution is clearly upon us. Traditional Moore’s Law is slowing, but the exponential demand for innovation and form factor density is not. When you can no longer get it done with a single monolithic chip, moving to a multi-die approach is the answer. This emerging design methodology has many challenges – supply… Read More

Arm Total Design Hints at Accelerating Multi-Die Activity

Arm Total Design Hints at Accelerating Multi-Die Activity
by Bernard Murphy on 11-02-2023 at 6:00 am

multi die

I confess I am reading tea leaves in this blog, but why not? Arm recently announced Arm Total Design, an expansion of their Compute Subsystems (CSS) offering which made me wonder about the motivation behind this direction. They have a lot of blue-chip partners lined up for this program yet only a general pointer to multi-die systems… Read More