Assembly Automation. Repair or Replace?

Assembly Automation. Repair or Replace?
by Bernard Murphy on 04-25-2022 at 6:00 am

Arteris SoC Integration 8000x4500 20210421 1

It is difficult to imagine an SoC development team not using some form of automation to assemble their SoCs; the sheer complexity of the assembly task for modern designs is already far beyond hand-crafted top-level RTLs. An increasing number of groups have already opted for solutions based on the IP-XACT integration standard.… Read More

Will the last 8051 please turn out the lights?

Will the last 8051 please turn out the lights?
by Don Dingee on 02-21-2012 at 2:38 pm

The words no engineer or supply chain professional wants to hear: end-of-life. It’s a reality of the semiconductor business, however – even the cheapest parts reach the point, eventually, where producing and selling them becomes inefficient. Is it reasonable that a microcontroller architecture outlive the people… Read More