AI Booming is Fueling Interface IP 17% YoY Growth

AI Booming is Fueling Interface IP 17% YoY Growth
by Eric Esteve on 07-11-2024 at 6:00 am

IF 2018 2027no$

AI explosion is clearly driving semi-industry since 2020. AI processing, based on GPU, need to be as powerful as possible, but a system will reach optimum only if it can rely on top interconnects. The various sub-system parts (memory, processor, co-processor, network) need to be connected with interface links with ever more bandwidth… Read More

Semi Market Decreased by 8% in 2023… When Design IP Sales Grew by 6%!

Semi Market Decreased by 8% in 2023… When Design IP Sales Grew by 6%!
by Eric Esteve on 04-19-2024 at 6:00 am

Top10 Table 2023

Design IP revenues had achieved $7.04B in 2023, with disparity between license, growing by 14% and royalty decreasing by 6%, and main categories. Processor (CPU, DSP, GPU & ISP) slightly growing by 3.4% when Physical (SRAM Memory Compiler, Flash Memory Compiler, Library and I/O, AMS, Wireless Interface) slightly decreasing… Read More

Stop-For-Top IP Model to Replace One-Stop-Shop by 2025

Stop-For-Top IP Model to Replace One-Stop-Shop by 2025
by Eric Esteve on 06-17-2022 at 6:00 am

ALL Interface 2021 2026

…and support the creation of successful Chiplet business

The One-Stop-Shop model has allowed IP vendors of the 2000’s to create a successful IP business, mostly driven by consumer application, smartphone or Set-Top-Box. The industry has dramatically changed, and in 2020 is now driven by data-centric application (datacenter,… Read More

Interface IP Category to Overtake CPU IP by 2025?

Interface IP Category to Overtake CPU IP by 2025?
by Eric Esteve on 07-09-2020 at 6:00 am

Top 5 Forecast 2020 2024

The Interface Design IP market explodes, growing by 18% in 2019, with $870 million, when CPU IP category grew by 5% at $1,460 million. In fact, Interface IP market is forecasted to sustain high growth rate for the next five years, as calculated by IPnest in the “Interface IP Survey 2015-2019 & Forecast 2020-2024”, to reach $1,800… Read More

#56thDAC SerDes, Analog and RISC-V sessions

#56thDAC SerDes, Analog and RISC-V sessions
by Eric Esteve on 06-14-2019 at 5:00 am

The good news is that the next five DAC events will take place in Moscone Center in San Francisco! If going to Las Vegas from the Bay area is an easy trip, coming from Europe to Las Vegas makes it a 24+hours journey… One obvious consequence was the poor attendance to the exhibition floor. But let’s be positive and notice that the number… Read More

Design IP in 2018: Synopsys and Cadence Increase Market Share…

Design IP in 2018: Synopsys and Cadence Increase Market Share…
by Eric Esteve on 05-07-2019 at 7:00 am

…but ARM, Imagination, MIPS or Ceva have declined and lose market share. Semiconductor design IP market is still doing good in 2018, with 6% growth year over year. It’s half the growth rate seen in 2017, 2016 and 2015 and the growth decline is imputable to bad results from ARM, the market leader, but also from Imagination (#4), MIPS… Read More

Who is Responsible for SIP Revenue Decline in Q2 2018?

Who is Responsible for SIP Revenue Decline in Q2 2018?
by Eric Esteve on 10-16-2018 at 7:00 am

According with ESDA, EDA revenues have grown YoY by 16.2% in Q2 2018, and this is the good news for our industry. The bad news is the decline of SIP (Design IP) revenues, by (3.1%) at the same time. As far as I am concerned, this figure looks weird, so I will try to understand the reason why SIP category can go wrong in a healthy EDA market,… Read More

The Best of IP at DAC 2018 Conference

The Best of IP at DAC 2018 Conference
by Eric Esteve on 06-15-2018 at 12:00 pm

Design IP is going well, with 12% YoY growth in 2017, even if the market is about $3.5B. But Design IP is serving a $400B semiconductor market. Can you imagine the future of the semi market if the chip makers couldn’t have access to Design IP? The same is true for EDA: it’s a niche market (CAE revenues was about $3B and IC Physical Design… Read More

Don’t Miss “The IP Paradox” Panel @ #54 DAC!

Don’t Miss “The IP Paradox” Panel @ #54 DAC!
by Eric Esteve on 06-15-2017 at 12:00 pm

Despite the strong consolidation in the semiconductor industry, the Design IP market is still growing: from $3 billion in 2015 to $3.4 billion in 2016. That’s why the DAC IP Committee has organized this panel, titled “The IP Paradox: Growing Business Despite Consolidations” (you can see more on the events page: More

IP Vendors: Call for Contribution to the Design IP Report!

IP Vendors: Call for Contribution to the Design IP Report!
by Eric Esteve on 04-13-2017 at 12:00 pm

The EDA & IP industry enjoys high growth for the Design IP segment, but a detailed analysis tool is missing. IPnest will address this need in 2017, expecting the IP vendors’ contribution! If we consider the results posted last March by the ESD Alliance, the EDA (and IP) industry is doing extremely well, as the global revenue has… Read More