Bonds, Wire-bonds: No Time to Mesh Mesh It All with Phi Plus

Bonds, Wire-bonds: No Time to Mesh Mesh It All with Phi Plus
by Matt Commens on 11-23-2021 at 10:00 am

Ansys Phi Plus

Automatic adaptive meshing in HFSS is a critical component of its advanced simulation process. Guided by Maxwell’s Equations, it efficiently refines the mesh to accurately capture both the geometric and electromagnetic detail of a design. The end result is a process that guarantees accurate and reliable simulation results… Read More

TSMC’s Advanced IC Packaging Solutions

TSMC’s Advanced IC Packaging Solutions
by Herb Reiter on 05-01-2020 at 10:00 am

Fig 3 TSMC Adv Pkg blog

TSMC as Pure Play Wafer Foundry
TSMC started its wafer foundry business more than 30 years ago. Visionary management and creative engineering teams developed leading-edge process technologies and their reputation as trusted source for high-volume production. TSMC also recognized very early the importance of building an … Read More

Tools for Advanced Packaging Design Follow Moore’s Law, Too!

Tools for Advanced Packaging Design Follow Moore’s Law, Too!
by Tom Dillinger on 06-05-2017 at 9:00 am

There is an emerging set of advanced packaging technologies that enables unique product designs, with the capability to integrate multiple die, from potentially heterogeneous technologies. These “system-in-package” (SiP) offerings provide architects with the opportunity to optimize product performance, power, cost,… Read More

Chips and pins and layers within

Chips and pins and layers within
by Don Dingee on 03-25-2015 at 3:00 pm

After teams sweat the details of SoC and industrial design, they turn to printed circuit board designers for magic. Here are a pile of chips and passives, and a schematic for interconnecting them. This is how much physical space the board can occupy. Connectors have to be here, and here, and mounting holes there, and there. There … Read More