Emulation from In Circuit to In Virtual

Emulation from In Circuit to In Virtual
by Bernard Murphy on 11-08-2018 at 7:00 am

At a superficial level, emulation in the hardware design world is just a way to run a simulation faster. The design to be tested runs on the emulator, connected to whatever test mechanisms you desire, and the whole setup can run many orders of magnitude faster than it could if the design was running inside a software simulator. And … Read More

Qualcomm, AMD on Verification with Synopsys

Qualcomm, AMD on Verification with Synopsys
by Bernard Murphy on 03-22-2018 at 7:00 am

Synopsys hosts a regular lunch at DVCon each year (at least over the last few years I have checked), a nice meal and a show, opening a marketing update followed by 2-3 customer presentations on how they use Synopsys verification in their flows. This year’s event was moderated by Piyush Sancheti from Synopsys Verification marketing… Read More

Hybrid Emulation

Hybrid Emulation
by Paul McLellan on 07-25-2014 at 9:01 am

Hybrid emulation is when part of the system is run in the emulator and part of the system is run in a virtual prototype. Typically a model of the processor(s) is run in the virtual platform and then the rest of the design is modeled by running the RTL on the emulator. I talked to Tom Borgstrom at Synopsys about what technology they have … Read More