Quadric Inc. is the leading licensor of general-purpose neural processor IP (GPNPU) that runs both machine learning inference workloads and classic DSP and control algorithms. Quadric’s unified hardware and software architecture is optimized for on-device ML inference. Veerbhan Kheterpal is the CEO and one of the co-founders… Read More
Tier1 Eye on Expanding Role in Automotive AI
The unsettled realities of modern automotive markets (BEV/HEV, ADAS/AD, radical views on how to make money) don’t only affect automakers. These disruptions also ripple down the supply chain prompting a game of musical chairs, each supplier aiming to maximize their chances of still having a chair (and a bigger chair) when the … Read More
The Fallacy of Operator Fallback and the Future of Machine Learning Accelerators
As artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) models continue to evolve at a breathtaking pace, the demands on hardware for inference and real-time processing grow increasingly complex. Traditional hardware architectures for acceleration are proving inadequate to keep up with these rapid advancements in ML … Read More
2024 Outlook with Steve Roddy of Quadric
Quadric Inc. is the leading licensor of general-purpose neural processor IP (GPNPU) that runs both machine learning inference workloads and classic DSP and control algorithms. Quadric’s unified hardware and software architecture is optimized for on-device ML inference. I have know Steve Roddy for many years, he is a high … Read More
Quadric’s Chimera GPNPU IP Blends NPU and DSP to Create a New Category of Hybrid SoC Processor
Performance, Power and Area (PPA) are the commonly touted metrics in the semiconductor industry placing PPA among the most widely used acronyms relating to chip development. And rightly so as these three metrics greatly impact all electronic products that are developed. The degree of impact depends of course on the specific … Read More