Achronix Demystifies FPGA Technology Migration

Achronix Demystifies FPGA Technology Migration
by Tom Simon on 02-23-2021 at 6:00 am

FPGA Migration Achronix Tool Flow

System designers who are switching to a new FPGA platform have a lot to think about. Naturally a change like this is usually done for good reasons, but there are always considerations regarding device configurations, interfaces and the tool chain to deal with. To help users who have decided to switch to their FPGA technology, Achronix… Read More

Achronix Talks about FPGAs for Video Processing

Achronix Talks about FPGAs for Video Processing
by Tom Simon on 12-15-2020 at 10:00 am

Need for Video Editing

The internet keeps adding users and connected devices. According to the numbers in a white paper from Achronix, by 2022 there will be 4.8 billion internet users and 28.5 billion connected devices. Internet traffic will reach 275 exabytes per month. Of this a staggering 83 percent will be video traffic. Moving the data from creators… Read More