Resist Loss Model for the EUV Stochastic Defectivity Cliffs

Resist Loss Model for the EUV Stochastic Defectivity Cliffs
by Fred Chen on 02-06-2025 at 10:00 am

Exposing EUV 1

The occurrences of notorious stochastic defects in EUV lithography have resulted in CD or corresponding dose windows with the lower and higher bounds being characterized as “cliffs” [1-3], since the defect density increases exponentially when approaching these bounds. The defects at lower doses have been attributed to the… Read More

Non-EUV Exposures in EUV Lithography Systems Provide the Floor for Stochastic Defects in EUV Lithography

Non-EUV Exposures in EUV Lithography Systems Provide the Floor for Stochastic Defects in EUV Lithography
by Fred Chen on 01-18-2024 at 10:00 am

Defocus flare (small)

EUV lithography is a complicated process with many factors affecting the production of the final image. The EUV light itself doesn’t directly generate the images, but acts through secondary electrons which are released as a result of ionization by incoming EUV photons. Consequently, we need to be aware of the fluctuations… Read More