Ansys Talks About HFSS EM Solver Breakthroughs

Ansys Talks About HFSS EM Solver Breakthroughs
by Tom Simon on 10-12-2021 at 10:00 am

HFSS scaling over the years

Ansys HFSS™ has long enjoyed industry respect as a highly accurate electromagnetic simulator suitable for general purpose applications. Ansys has worked over the years to maintain its gold reference accuracy, and also to dramatically improve its performance and ease of use. A very interesting review of the key technology breakthroughs… Read More

Virtuoso Adapts to Address Cyber Physical Systems

Virtuoso Adapts to Address Cyber Physical Systems
by Tom Simon on 07-29-2019 at 2:00 pm

LIDAR is a controversial topic, with even Elon Musk weighing in on whether it will ever be feasible for use in self driving cars. His contention is that the sensors will remain too expensive and potentially be unreliable because of their mechanical complexity. However, each of the sensors available for autonomous driving have … Read More

Solving and Simulating in the New Virtuoso RF Solution

Solving and Simulating in the New Virtuoso RF Solution
by Tom Simon on 10-30-2018 at 12:00 pm

Cadence has done a good job of keeping up with the needs of analog RF designs. Of course, the term RF used to be reserved for a thin slice of designs that were used specifically in RF applications. Now, it covers things like SerDes for networking chips that have to operate in the gigahertz range. Add that to the trend of combining RF and… Read More