10 Areas of Change in Cybersecurity for 2020

10 Areas of Change in Cybersecurity for 2020
by Matthew Rosenquist on 05-17-2020 at 10:00 am

10 Areas of Change in Cybersecurity for 2020

Cybersecurity in 2020 will be evolutionary but not revolutionary. Although there is always change and churn, much of the foundational drivers remain relatively stable. Attacks in the next 12 months are likely to persist in ways already known but taking it up-a-notch and that will lead to a steady escalation between attackers… Read More

COVID-19 Cars as an Essential Service

COVID-19 Cars as an Essential Service
by Roger C. Lanctot on 04-26-2020 at 10:00 am

COVID 19 Cars as an Essential Service

The Automotive News reported Friday that updated guidance from the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Iinfrastructure Security Agency had identified cars as an essential service. AN reported: “The new guidelines include “workers critical to the manufacturing, distribution, sales,

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Banks are Developing Digital Currencies and Opening Themselves to Cyber Risk!

Banks are Developing Digital Currencies and Opening Themselves to Cyber Risk!
by Matthew Rosenquist on 01-16-2020 at 6:00 am

Banks are Developing Digital Currencies and Opening Themselves to Cyber Risk

Cybersecurity will be hard pressed to take on the new challenges of bank managed digital currencies.

Banks are developing their own digital currencies. The introduction of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) is the beginning of an interesting trend that will change the cybersecurity dynamic for banking as it opens up an … Read More

Cryptocurrency Exchange Hacks are on the Rise

Cryptocurrency Exchange Hacks are on the Rise
by Matthew Rosenquist on 12-26-2019 at 10:00 am

Seven major cryptocurrency exchanges were victimized in 2019, totaling over $160 million in financial theft. As predicted, cybercriminal hackers targeted crypto exchanges in 2019 and the trend will continue into 2020.

Crypto exchanges are relatively new, as compared to those in the traditional financial markets. It is

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Major Drone Attack Against Global Oil Production Showcases Weak Cybersecurity Thinking

Major Drone Attack Against Global Oil Production Showcases Weak Cybersecurity Thinking
by Matthew Rosenquist on 09-17-2019 at 6:00 am

Drones attacked an oil processing facility last week and shut down half of all Saudi capacity, representing about 5% of the world’s daily oil production. We have seen how a botnet of compromised home appliances can take down a sizeable chunk of the internet, control structures of electricity and other critical infrastructures… Read More

NATO’s Collective Defense for Cyber Attack Remains Fragile

NATO’s Collective Defense for Cyber Attack Remains Fragile
by Matthew Rosenquist on 09-08-2019 at 3:00 pm

The Secretary-General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, stated all 29 member countries would respond to a serious cyberattack against any of the nations in the coalition. The pressing question is will NATO work together with combined forces when one of the members is attacked in an asymmetrical manner with digital technology?

When… Read More

Cryptocurrencies Should be Enabled to Blacklist Criminal Holdings

Cryptocurrencies Should be Enabled to Blacklist Criminal Holdings
by Matthew Rosenquist on 09-03-2019 at 6:00 am

Cryptocurrency is seen as a new, wild, reckless, revolutionary, and sometimes shady financial instrument. In addition to legitimate transactions, a disproportionate amount of attention is paid to the criminal use of cryptocurrency to store wealth, collect payments, transfer illicit funds, and launder money. Malicious

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Banks and ATMs Under Cyber Attack

Banks and ATMs Under Cyber Attack
by Matthew Rosenquist on 07-06-2019 at 5:00 am

The Silence hacking crew, mostly attributed to a group of very crafty Russian hackers, has struck again pulling-in over $3 million in cash from ATMs.

At least 3 banks have been attacked in the latest campaign, with Dutch Bangla Bank being the largest. The criminal hackers first compromised the bank’s card management infrastructure… Read More

Auto Shows No Connection

Auto Shows No Connection
by Roger C. Lanctot on 04-21-2019 at 12:00 pm

The Washington Auto Show, one of the largest auto shows in the U.S., has a problem and it is a problem shared by other auto shows in the U.S. and around the world. It is a problem that plagues the entire industry and it may spell trouble for connecting with car customers.

I visited the Washington Auto Show last week. The event closed on … Read More

Open Letter to the FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection

Open Letter to the FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection
by Matthew Rosenquist on 02-05-2019 at 12:00 pm

In December 2018 the FTC held hearings on Competition and consumer Protection in the 21st Century. A number of people spoke at the event and the FTC has graciously opened the discussion to public comments. The Federal Trade Commission has interest, certain responsibilities, and can affect changes to how data security evolves.… Read More