End-to-End Secure IoT Solutions from ARM

End-to-End Secure IoT Solutions from ARM
by Bernard Murphy on 10-25-2016 at 11:30 am

ARM announced today a comprehensive suite of solutions for IoT support, from IP optimized for applications in this space all the way to cloud-based support to manage edge devices in the field. Their motivation is to provide a faster path to secure IoT, from the chip to the cloud. One especially interesting component of this solution… Read More

Eliminating the Chasm of Computing

Eliminating the Chasm of Computing
by Pawan Fangaria on 10-25-2015 at 7:00 am

The world has come through a long way from the 1[SUP]st[/SUP] UNIVAC computer in 1952, IBM mainframes and minicomputers in secured computer rooms to laptops, tablets, mobile phones, and so on in our hands. Imagine the compute power of a minicomputer then and the compute power of your smartphone or tablet today. And do you know the… Read More

How to Build an IoT Endpoint in Three Months

How to Build an IoT Endpoint in Three Months
by Tom Simon on 09-27-2015 at 7:00 am

It is often said that things go in big cycles. One example of this is the design and manufacturing products. People long ago used to build their own things. Think of villagers or settlers hundreds of years ago, if they needed something they would craft it themselves. Then came the industrial revolution and two things happened. One… Read More