Managing Power at Datacenter Scale

Managing Power at Datacenter Scale
by Bernard Murphy on 04-15-2024 at 6:00 am

Managing Power at Datacenter Scale

That datacenters are power hogs is not news, especially now AI is further aggravating this challenge. I found a recent proteanTecs-hosted panel on power challenges in datacenter infrastructure quite educational both in quantifying the scale of the problem and in understanding what steps are being taken to slow growth in power… Read More

Webinar: Thermal and Reliability for ADAS and Autonomy

Webinar: Thermal and Reliability for ADAS and Autonomy
by Bernard Murphy on 05-15-2018 at 7:00 am

OK, so maybe the picture here is a little over the top, but thermal and reliability considerations in automotive in general and in ADAS and autonomy in particular, are no joke. Overheating, thermal-induced EM and warping at the board-level, in the package or interposers, are concerns in any environment but especially when you’re… Read More

Electronic Thermal Management through Icepak

Electronic Thermal Management through Icepak
by Pawan Fangaria on 08-03-2014 at 8:30 pm

Last week my daughter was playing some games on my Google Nexus smartphone for a while when one of my friends called. When I picked up the phone, I couldn’t imagine it was so hot. There is no doubt; every electronic device today emits an order of magnitude higher heat than what it used to at most a decade ago. There is so much emphasis on … Read More