Cadence & ARM Optimize Complex SoC Performance

Cadence & ARM Optimize Complex SoC Performance
by Pawan Fangaria on 12-03-2013 at 3:00 pm

Now a day, a SoC can be highly complex, having 100s of IPs performing various functionalities along with multi-core CPUs on it. Managing power, performance and area of the overall semiconductor design in the SoC becomes an extremely challenging task. Even if the IPs and various design blocks are highly optimized within themselves,… Read More

Xilinx picks another winner…

Xilinx picks another winner…
by Luke Miller on 07-31-2013 at 7:00 pm

Just as important as block RAMs, IO and DSP48’s is what interconnect or fabric is going to be used when considering SoC FPGA designs. I think Xilinx has found the winning combination. What is paramount to the new SoC FPGA methodologies is not only the challenge of moving huge amounts of data around; we are now to consider data… Read More