MEMS Actuation and the Art of Prototyping

MEMS Actuation and the Art of Prototyping
by Bernard Murphy on 11-27-2019 at 5:00 am

Thermal actuator prototyping

I mentioned a while back that I’m really getting into the role that sensors play in our new hyper-connected world – in the IoT, intelligent cars, homes, cities, industry, utilities, medicine, agriculture, etc, etc. If we can think of a way to sense it and connect it, someone is probably already doing it. But there’s more to … Read More

A Deeper Insight into Quantus QRC Extraction Solution

A Deeper Insight into Quantus QRC Extraction Solution
by Pawan Fangaria on 08-14-2014 at 7:00 pm

Last month Cadenceannounced its fastest parasitic extraction tool (minimum 5 times better performance compared to other available tools) which can handle growing design sizes with interconnect explosion, number of parasitics and complexities at advanced process nodes including FinFETs, without impacting accuracy of … Read More