Thermal Issues and Solutions for 3D ICs: Latest Updates and Future Prospect

Thermal Issues and Solutions for 3D ICs: Latest Updates and Future Prospect
by Mike Gianfagna on 02-26-2020 at 10:00 am

2D vs. 3D heat maps

At DesignCon 2020, ANSYS held a series of sponsored presentations. I was able to attend a couple of them.  These were excellent events with the material delivered by talented and high-energy speakers. The DesignCon technical program has many dimensions beyond the conference tracks. One of the presentations dealt with 3D ICs.… Read More

eSilicon White Paper on Chiplets – Good Read

eSilicon White Paper on Chiplets – Good Read
by Randy Smith on 10-17-2019 at 10:00 am

eSilicon recently released a paper detailing its experiences and its thoughts on the future of chiplets. The author of the white paper is Dr. Carlos Macián. I have also covered a presentation given by Carlos recently at the AI Hardware Summit, and he is well-spoken and quite knowledgeable. To get the white paper, go to the eSiliconRead More

AI Hardware Summit, Report #1: Doing More to Cost Less

AI Hardware Summit, Report #1: Doing More to Cost Less
by Randy Smith on 09-26-2019 at 10:00 am

I recently had the pleasure of attending the AI Hardware Summit at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA. This two-day conference brought together many companies involved in building artificial intelligence solutions. Though the focus was on building the hardware for this area, there was naturally much discussion… Read More

Going up…3D IC design tools

Going up…3D IC design tools
by Paul McLellan on 01-23-2012 at 6:41 pm

3D and 2.5D (silicon interposer) designs create new challenges for EDA. Not all of them are in the most obvious areas. Mentor has an interesting presentation on what is required for verification and testing of these types of designs. Obviously it is somewhat Mentor-centric but in laying out the challenges it is pretty much agnostic.… Read More

Ivo Bolsens of Xilinx and Crossover Designs

Ivo Bolsens of Xilinx and Crossover Designs
by Paul McLellan on 04-27-2011 at 4:14 pm

I was at Mentor’s u2u (user group) meeting and one of the keynotes was by Ivo Bolsens of Xilinx. The other was by Wally Rhines and is summarized here.

Ivo started off talking analogizing SoCs as the sports-cars of the industry (fast but expensive), and FPGAs as the station wagons (not cool). In fact he even said that when Xilinx… Read More