Podcast EP261: An Overview of the Upcoming 70th IEDM with Dr. Gaudenzio Meneghesso
Dan is joined by Dr. Gaudenzio Meneghesso, IEDM 2024 Publicity Co-Chair, and Head of the Department of Information Engineering at the University of Padua in Italy.
Dan explores the program for the upcoming IEDM event with Gaudenzio. This conference covers a wide range of innovations that have significant impact on the semiconductor industry.
Gaudenzio discusses four “grand challenges” that will be explored at IEDM: Device scaling,memory architectures and in-memory compute, chip packaging and power efficiency. In the area of power efficiency, the impact of new devices based on compound semiconductor technology will be explored.
The demands of AI performance and the associated impact on semiconductors will also be presented. Other high-profile topics include nano-sheet transistors and high-density aligned carbon nanotubes, among others.
The 70th IEDM will be held December 7-11, 2024 in San Francisco. You can learn more about this important conference and register to attend here.
The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in these podcasts belong solely to the speaker, and not to the speaker’s employer, organization, committee or any other group or individual.

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