IC Analog IC Layout 800x100

Product Engineer (Quantus)

Product Engineer (Quantus)
by Admin on 03-27-2023 at 4:19 pm

Website Cadence

Job Description:

  • Prospects to be responsible for Cadence Quantus QRC extraction product and familiar with flow integration with RC extraction
  • Smartly working with foundry to capture and develop requirement spec for Quantus R&D to develop tool enhancements.
  • Individually working with R&D to qualify Quantus and getting it certified by foundry and released to mutual customers.

Position Requirements:

  • MS in EE or CE major is preferred
  • Experience in RC extraction, LVS, EMIR or related application, and familiar with Cadence tools such as Quantus, Pegasus, Voltus/Voltus-Fi, and Virtuoso is preferred.
  • Understand the concept of circuit design, LVS, RC extraction, foundry process technology and structure of device element.
  • Skilled with perl/tcl or other scripting languages on Linux platform for automation is required.
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