800x100 Webinar (1)
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Keynote: Silicon is the New Steel: Building the World’s First Terascale Network

Keynote: Silicon is the New Steel: Building the World’s First Terascale Network
by bkeppens on 08-11-2016 at 12:00 pm

 Prof. Thomas Lee from Stanford University is the keynote speaker at the upcoming 38th EOS/ESD Symposium (September 11-16, Anaheim). The EOS/ESD Symposium is focused on discussing the issues and providing the answers to electrostatic discharge in electronic production and assembly.

Steel transformed civilization in the 20th century, shifting from high-tech material to commodity in the process. Silicon’s analogous shift from circuits to systems will similarly transform civilization in this century. This talk will argue that multiple convergent trends are pushing us toward the terascale age, presenting us with both historic opportunities and historic challenges. The latter extend from DC to the millimeter wave, and from design tools to hardening a trillion devices to ESD and other threats. Solving these problems will complete the transition of silicon from today’s ubiquity to tomorrow’s invisibility, the true mark of a successful technology.

38th EOS/ESD Symposium

Speaker bio:Thomas Lee received his degrees from MIT, and an honorary doctorate from the University of Waterloo. His 1989 doctoral thesis described the world’s first CMOS radio. He has been at Stanford University since 1994, having previously worked at Analog Devices, Rambus and other companies. He’s helped design PLLs for several microprocessors (notably AMD’s K6-K7-K8 and DEC’s StrongARM), and has founded or cofounded several companies, including the first 3D memory company, Matrix Semiconductor (acquired by Sandisk), and IoE companies ZeroG Wireless (acquired by Microchip) and Ayla Networks. He serves on the board of Xilinx, is an IEEE and Packard Foundation Fellow, has won “Best Paper” awards at CICC and ISSCC, and was awarded the 2011 Ho-Am Prize in Engineering. He is a past Director of DARPA’s Microsystems Technology Office, and owns between 100 and 200 oscilloscopes, thousands of vacuum tubes, and kilograms of obsolete semiconductors. No one, including himself, quite knows why.

Join us for this interesting keynote and more:
The 2016 EOS/ESD Symposium in Anaheim will address the latest research on EOS and ESD in the rapidly changing world of electronics through tutorials, workshops, technical sessions, invited talks, and through the products and services presented in the industry exhibits.

Download the entire program on the ESDA website or register for the event.

ESD Fundamentals: A six-part series on Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) prepared by the ESD Association

History & Background
To many people, Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) is only experienced as a shock when touching a metal doorknob after walking across a carpeted floor or after sliding across a car seat. However, static electricity and ESD has been a serious industrial problem for centuries. As early as the 1400s, European and Caribbean military forts were using static control procedures and devices trying to prevent inadvertent electrostatic discharge ignition of gunpowder stores. By the 1860s, paper mills throughout the U.S. employed basic grounding, flame ionization techniques, and steam drums to dissipate static electricity from the paper web as it traveled through the drying process. Every imaginable business and industrial process has issues with electrostatic charge and discharge at one time or another. Munitions and explosives, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, agriculture, printing and graphic arts, textiles, painting, and plastics are just some of the industries where control of static electricity has significant importance. The age of electronics brought with it new problems associated with static electricity and electrostatic discharge. And, as electronic devices become faster and the circuitry getting smaller, their sensitivity to ESD in general increases. This trend may be accelerating. The ESD Association’s “Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Technology Roadmap”, revised April 2010, includes “With devices becoming more sensitive through 2010-2015 and beyond, it is imperative that companies begin to scrutinize the ESD capabilities of their handling processes”. Today, ESD impacts productivity and product reliability in virtually every aspect of the global electronics environment.

Despite a great deal of effort during the past thirty years, ESD still affects production yields, manufacturing cost, product quality, product reliability, and profitability. The cost of damaged devices themselves ranges from only a few cents for a simple diode to thousands of dollars for complex integrated circuits. When associated costs of repair and rework, shipping, labor, and overhead are included, clearly the opportunities exist for significant improvements. Nearly all of the thousands of companies involved in electronics manufacturing today pay attention to the basic, industry accepted elements of static control. ESD Association industry standards are available today to guide manufacturers in establishing the fundamental static charge mitigation and control techniques (see Part Six – ESD Standards). It is unlikely that any company which ignores static control will be able to successfully manufacture and deliver undamaged electronic parts.

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