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Seen at DAC! Self-Driving Cars –Victory Lap or Pile-Up?

Seen at DAC! Self-Driving Cars –Victory Lap or Pile-Up?
by Holly Stump on 06-05-2014 at 6:00 pm

 It is axiomatic that the DAC vendor community would love to serve the exciting and expanding automotive market; and the auto community would love to continue to increase their value through innovative software/ hardware solutions, which will one day lead to the self-driving car. But how do we team to lap the track?

Jim Hogan set the stage for the Heroes DAC panel with the scope of the automotive challenge, both software and hardware… stressing that software defines user experiences.

Alain Labat, Managing Director at Harvest Management Partners, LLC. spoke to some current statistics on the growth of software complexity in automotive, with actual, hot off the presses data..

All leading to the much-bemoaned software productivity gap…

Virtual prototyping was identified and discussed as one key technology solution to address this software productivity gap. Its ability to accelerate embedded software development, and unify the development chain across multiple groups and companies, will be increasingly necessary.

Dr. Sridhar Jagannathan, Chief Innovation Officer and EVP at Persistent Systems, then asked “How Intelligent is Your Car? And Is Your Car More Intelligent than You?”

He introduced an innovative new concept, VIQ® – Vehicle Intelligence Quotient® (Persistent.) VIQ is a new four-axis scale for measuring and comparing intelligence of cars, as shown below. And you may even be able to compare your own IQ with your car’s VIQ!

And Martin Baker, Senior Manager of Ecosystem and Business Management at Renesas, probed three critical societal and technology questions…

Why do we need self-driving cars?

  • Safety, with 1.2M deaths and 20-50M injuries peryear
  • Time
  • Congestion
  • Emissions/fuel economy

How might self-driving cars evolve? We have many of the pieces today – it is an evolution, to integrate and grant greater control authority to the vehicle.

Phase 1: Driver Awareness -> Car assumes control in specific situations

  • “Cocooning”- Driver keeps control in normalcase, car intervenes in emergency
  • Adaptive cruise, lane keeping, blind spot,navigation -> supercruise
  • Emergency brake assist, lane keeping -> traffic jam assist
  • Auto park
  • Meanwhile, Google car is an interesting approach to specific situations

Phase 2: Autonomous driving car

Phase 3: Adding V2x communication

  • Initially to enhance driver’s/car’s situational awareness
  • Then, co-ordinated behavior between cars –platooning, route co-ordination, junction co-ordination etc.

Enablers……Hardware enablers for self-driving cars include:

  • Computing power – High end SoCs with dedicatedimage processing, sensor fusion capabilities, high efficiency (R-car Gen 2)
  • Bandwidth – Ethernet AVB, largely in silicon
  • Off-board communications – V2V, V2x
  • Safety – to ASIL D (RH850 P1x), mixedcriticality
  • Security – in silicon (RH850)

Software enablers include:

  • Safety.ASIL D, fail operational
  • Model-based development
  • Building blocks already in place
  • Over the air updates, with security
  • Ability to detect and respond to new security threats

Martin also discussed EDA, and how the industry must address development challenges, especially dramatically more software; requirements formore integration across multiple systems and partners; and ISO 26262, which will evolve.

It was acknowledged that automotive requires a step change in speed and efficiency. This will entail a new Development Ecosystem, and partnerships for innovative tools and processes, addressing automation; virtualization;integration; affordability; and accessibility.

A general call to action was proposed, with collaboration between EDA solutions companies, and the automotive players.


  • Martin Baker, Senior Manager of Ecosystem andBusiness Management at Renesas, a leader in automotive semiconductortechnology. Martin spent 25 year at Ford Motor Company where he was global headof embedded software, process and tools, electrical architecture and Europeanhead of electrical system integration.Martin was CEO at Invirtech and led the Automotive Business Unit atPacific Insight Electronics.
  • Alain Labat, Managing Director at HarvestManagement Partners, LLC. Previously, Alain was President and CEO of VaSTSystems (now Synopsys), providing embedded software and virtualizationtechnology to automotive and other applications.Alain was CEO and Co-founder of SequenceDesign and was SVP at Synopsys and VP at Valid Logic Systems (now Cadence).
  • Dr. Sridhar Jagannathan, Chief InnovationOfficer and EVP at Persistent Systems. Sridhar is responsible for new models ofinnovation and growth at Persistent, which has a strong consulting practicearea in automotive. Previously: Vice President, CTO Office at Intuit, Inc.;Managing Director for Symantec’s India Development Center for consumerproducts; Vice President of Technology for Softbank Emerging Markets Fund; andTechnical Director for Internet & eCommerce at Oracle.

Also read:
Google Robot Cars are Coming!

lang: en_US

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