Primarius 2B
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Profile of an IoT Processor for Industrial, Consumer Markets

Profile of an IoT Processor for Industrial, Consumer Markets
by Majeed Ahmad on 10-19-2015 at 4:00 pm

The intersection of data with intelligent machines is creating new possibilities in industrial automation, and this new frontier is now being increasingly known as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). However, if there is a single major stumbling block that is hindering the IoT take-off at the larger industrial scale, … Read More

SEMI Releases Industry’s First “Global 200mm Fab Outlook to 2018” and Announces Webinar

SEMI Releases Industry’s First “Global 200mm Fab Outlook to 2018” and Announces Webinar
by Deborah GeigerSEMI on 10-19-2015 at 1:30 pm

SEMI, the global industry association advancing the interests of the worldwide electronics supply chain, today (October 19) published a new report, “Global 200mm Fab Outlook to 2018.” According to the report, worldwide 200mm semiconductor wafer fab capacity is forecast at 5.2 million wafer starts per month (wspm) in 2015 andRead More

How LETI IP will speed-up GlobalFoundries 22FDX™ ASIC Development

How LETI IP will speed-up GlobalFoundries 22FDX™ ASIC Development
by Eric Esteve on 10-19-2015 at 7:00 am

GlobalFoundries has positioned FDSOI proposal -22FDX- to provide better performance and power dissipation than competitive FDSOI offers on 28nm node. The FDSOI licensing agreement between LETI and GlobalFoundries is only a couple of months old (July 2015), but the real work has started in Dresden as several engineers from … Read More

Wafer-Level Chip-Scale Packaging Technology Challenges and Solutions

Wafer-Level Chip-Scale Packaging Technology Challenges and Solutions
by Tom Dillinger on 10-15-2015 at 7:00 am

At the recent TSMC OIP symposium, Bill Acito from Cadence and Chin-her Chien from TSMC provided an insightful presentation on their recent collaboration, to support TSMC’s Integrated FanOut (InFO) packaging solution. The chip and package implementation environments remain quite separate. The issues uncovered in bridging… Read More

EUV sees further delays?

EUV sees further delays?
by Robert Maire on 10-14-2015 at 12:00 pm

Headwinds which will likely continue into 2016…
ASML reported revenues of 1.55B Euros with EPS of 0.75 Euros more or less in line with expectations. Orders were the weak spot, falling to 904M Euros versus the previous Q2 orders of 1.523B Euros. The company guided Q4 revenues to be down about 10% to 1.4B Euros below current flattish… Read More

BATTERYGATE: Is Apple’s Samsung made iPhone 6S Core Rotten?

BATTERYGATE: Is Apple’s Samsung made iPhone 6S Core Rotten?
by Robert Maire on 10-08-2015 at 4:00 pm

By this time, anyone with a pulse in the tech industry knows that Apple has dual sourced the A9 processor for the Iphone 6S, from both Samsung and TSMC. There are even apps to tell whether your 6S has a Samsung or TSMC part in it. People have run performance comparisons and concluded that the processing performance is the same, which … Read More

Cadence Outlines Automotive Solutions at TSMC OIP Event

Cadence Outlines Automotive Solutions at TSMC OIP Event
by Tom Simon on 10-08-2015 at 12:00 pm

I used to joke that my first car could survive a nuclear war. It was a 1971 Volvo sedan (142) that was EMP proof because it had absolutely no semiconductors in the ignition system, just points, condensers and a coil. If you go back to the Model T in 1915 you will see that the “on-board electronics” were not that different. However, today’s… Read More

Secured SAM A5D4 MCU for Industrial, Fitness or IoT Display

Secured SAM A5D4 MCU for Industrial, Fitness or IoT Display
by Eric Esteve on 10-06-2015 at 12:00 pm

The new SAMA5D4, ARM Cortex-A5-based, expands the SAMA5 microprocessors family, adding a 720p resolution hardware video decoder to target Human Machine Interface (HMI), control panel and IoT applications when high performance display capability are required. Cortex-A5 offers raw performance of 945 DMIPS (@ 600 MHz) completed… Read More

Moore’s law limitations and gravitational collapse at lower process nodes

Moore’s law limitations and gravitational collapse at lower process nodes
by Vaibbhav Taraate on 10-05-2015 at 4:00 pm

As stated in my previous article, about the complexity of the SOC with billions of transistors. It is essential to consider the real practical scenario for the two dimensional verses three dimensional structure of the chip. Although the new technological changes and evolution for the shrinking process node can create ease for… Read More

Samsung Device Solutions Has a New Home

Samsung Device Solutions Has a New Home
by Paul McLellan on 09-30-2015 at 7:00 am

Last week it was the formal opening of Samsung’s new office building in North San Jose. They have brought together all of semiconductor device solutions in a huge new office building. The building can hold 2000 people. Samsung Device Solutions consists of:

  • memory
  • system LSI
  • LED
  • display

Dr OH Kwan, the CEO of Samsung Electronics,… Read More