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The Role of Clock Gatingby Steve Hoover on 11-28-2022 at 10:00 amCategories: EDA
Perhaps you’ve heard the term “clock gating” and you’re wondering how it works, or maybe you know what clock gating is and you’re wondering how to best implement it. Either way, this post is for you.
Why Power Matters
I can’t help but laugh when I watch a movie where the main characters are shrunk… Read More
Success with Open-Source Formal Verification
The dream of 100% confidence is compelling for silicon engineers. We all want that big red button to push that magically finds all of our bugs for us. Verification, after all, accounts for roughly two-thirds of logic design effort. Without that button, we have to create reference models,… Read More
There are now over a hundred RISC-V CPU cores listed on‘s RISC-V Exchange! Amazing. If you need a RISC-V CPU core, you’ll likely be able to find one that suits your needs… if you evaluate a hundred CPU cores to find it.
Or, now, you can configure exactly the core you need, and have it built in seconds, for free! WARP-V … Read More
This is it! This is the single page of code that Ákos Hadnagy wrote this summer to formally verify WARP-V, an open-source RISC-V CPU core.… Read More
Rethinking Multipatterning for 2nm Node