Qualcomm today announced three new chipsets for entry level and mid-range smartphones – Snapdragon 720G, Snapdragon 662, and Snapdragon 460. The first one promises to bring many of the Elite Gaming features of the 765G with support for HDR, dynamic color range and high-quality synchronized sound with Qualcomm aptX Adaptive.… Read More
Author: Raju Prasad
Qualcomm introduces Snapdragon 720G, 662 and 460 SoCs with Wi-Fi 6, NavIC Support
Physical design team tackles challenging SoC
When describing the complexity of deep sub-micron systems on chip (SoCs), most engineers and their managers tend to refer to a combination of gate count, amount of embedded memory, and frequency of operation. If one’s task is to assess the complexity of the physical design effort for a given SoC, then there are numerous additional… Read More
CES 2025: All In on AI and Proposed Tariffs