Cyber threats are currently outpacing the defenders but it does not need to be the case. Attacks are increasing in number and type, with the overall impacts are becoming greater. Cybersecurity is struggling to keep our digital lives and assets protected from the onslaught of attacks but facing great challenges. By understanding… Read More
Author: Matthew Rosenquist
3 Reasons Why is Cybersecurity Losing
The New Reality for IoT Security
Recent Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are forcing a shift in Internet-of-Things (IoT) security thinking. The dangers are expanding as attackers are taking advantage of billions of IoT devices, conscripting them into their botnet armies for massive DDoS attacks.… Read More
Where hackers take their money – Casinos, Cryptocurrency, and Virtual Worlds
Cybercrime is reaching epidemic levels. Some estimates predict global annual cybercrime costs will reach $6 trillion by 2021. This includes the costs of security as well as the losses from thefts and fraud from successful attacks. Criminals are finding themselves in a position of having gained electronic assets but need to transform… Read More
IoT Worms Could Spread Like Zombies
Security researchers recently created a proof-of-concept attack against Internet connected lightbulbs, causing breached devices to reach out and infect their neighbors. Propagation continues and spreads itself across the community. This hack highlights the insecurity in one of many IoT network protocols.
Researchers… Read More
New IoT Botnets Emerge
On the heels of severe Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, new Internet-of-Things (IoT) powered botnets are emerging. There are already hundreds of such botnets which exist in the underground hacking ecosystem, where services, code, and specific attacks can be purchased or acquired. New botnets are being developed… Read More
Let’s Talk About Cyber Risks
In the last 12 months, we have seen an unprecedented number of cyber-attacks occur or come to light. Sophisticated attacks against governments, businesses, consumers, and the pillars of the Internet itself. The future appears to be fraught with run-away risks. Can security tame data breaches, ransomware, massive DDoS assaults,… Read More
Top 5 Things to Know About Recent IoT Attacks
Recent internet attacks resulted in popular sites becoming unreachable, such as Twitter, Etsy, Spotify, AirBnB, Github, and the New York Times. These incidents have brought to light a new threat to online services: Internet of Things (IoT) botnets. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks have been commonplace for over… Read More
How to Secure the Future of IoT
The world of IoT security just became more complex. IoT devices are no longer a potential threat to their owners, now they pose a significant threat to everything connected to the Internet.… Read More
Should Cybercrime Victims be Allowed to Hack-Back?
Being hacked is a frustrating experience for individuals and businesses, but allowing victims to hack-back against their attackers is definitely a dangerous and ill-advised path.
Compounding the issues is the apparent inability of law enforcement and governments to do anything about it. Cybercrime is expected to reach a dizzying… Read More
What Will Kill ROP Cyberattacks?
IBM recently announced a software-oriented solution to help eradicate Return Oriented Programming (ROP) malware attacks. ROP is a significant and growing problem in the industry. Crafty hackers will use snippets of code from other trusted programs and stitch it together to create their attacks. It has become a very popular… Read More
Rethinking Multipatterning for 2nm Node