Hopefully we all know what memes are, if not, ask one of your children or grandchildren. Having four grown children of my own I see memes posted on my FaceBook page now and again in support of my superior parenting skills. Remember when EETimes used to run a picture and readers would send in funny captions? An early form of meme, not that any of my captions ever made it in print.
According to Wikipedia:
Amemeis “an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture”. An Internet meme may take the form of animage,hyperlink,video,picture,website, orhashtag. It may be just a word or phrase, including an intentionalmisspelling. These small movements tend to spread from person to person viasocial networks,blogs, directemail, or news sources. They may relate to various existingInternet culturesorsubcultures, often created or spread on sites such as4chan,Redditand numerous others in our time, or byUsenetboards and other such early-internet communications facilities. Fads and sensations tend to grow rapidly on the Internet, because the instant communication facilitatesword-of-mouthtransmission.
SemiWiki now has a Semiconductor Memes Forum in hopes of injecting humor into our otherwise “dry” profession. Since semiconductor professionals are stereotyped as “humor challenged” here is a chance to prove the world wrong.
To post a meme just enter the Semiconductor Memes forum and click + Post New Thread, pick a catchy title, insert the picture, and enter the text. The “insert picture icon” is the window with a tree in it, simple as that. You must be a SemiWiki member to post of course and you can rate the memes 1 to 5 stars using the “Rate this thread” pull down menu. A meme can be a person, product, technology, or even a company in the semiconductor industry. Be nice but be funny!
To start things out lets have a contest. Put up a semiconductor meme or add a funny caption to one of the pictures I post and someone will win a new iPad (as soon as they are available). The new iPads will be filled with 20nm silicon so that is certainly cause for celebration.
And the next time someone asks what you do for a living give them a “dry” look hold up a smartphone and say “I changed the world!”
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