Webinar: Optimizing Generative AI with Vector Databases: What, Why, and How

Webinar: Optimizing Generative AI with Vector Databases: What, Why, and How
by Admin on 06-11-2024 at 6:56 pm

Vector databases have emerged as the preferred option for customizing generative AI and making it more trustworthy. Both dedicated vector DBs and vector-enabled DB suites deliver companies’ domain-specific data–most often text or imagery–to large language models. They help fine-tune models and enrich user prompts via retrieval-augmented… Read More

FinFET Based Designs Made Easy & Reliable

FinFET Based Designs Made Easy & Reliable
by Pawan Fangaria on 06-15-2014 at 11:00 am

Although semiconductor manufacturing has taken off with FinFET based process technology which provides lucrative payoffs on performance improvement, power reduction and area saving in devices for high density and high performance SoC demand of modern era, apprehensions remain about its reliability due to reduced noise … Read More