2024 Outlook with Justin Endo of Mixel

2024 Outlook with Justin Endo of Mixel
by Daniel Nenni on 01-31-2024 at 10:00 am

MixelLogo 25


Mixel is a semiconductor intellectual property (IP) company that we have been working with for 4 years with outstanding results.  Mixel’s focus is on developing mixed-signal IP, which includes analog and digital components. These IP cores are often used in applications such as mobile devices, consumer electronics, … Read More

Why Intel may be the first casualty if Beijing retaliates over Biden’s export controls

Why Intel may be the first casualty if Beijing retaliates over Biden’s export controls
by Craig Addison on 11-14-2022 at 6:00 am

Intel China Tower Semiconductor

After the Biden administration upped the ante in the tech war by restricting China’s access to advanced US semiconductor technology, the $64,000 question was “How might Beijing respond?”

Punishing American companies in China (like Apple and Tesla) was not considered likely given the employment they generate – Apple… Read More

Tower Semi Buyout Tips Intel’s Hand

Tower Semi Buyout Tips Intel’s Hand
by Doug O'Laughlin on 02-17-2022 at 2:00 pm

Tower Semiconductor Fabs 2022

The rationale behind the Tower Semi acquisition and things to watch out for at Intel’s investor day.

Intel bids for Tower Semi
First I have to quote myself because Tower was an error of omission. In November in a piece that was likely too long for its own good, I mentioned that trailing edge fabs are in a huge position of strength… Read More

Intel buys Tower – Best way to become foundry is to buy one

Intel buys Tower – Best way to become foundry is to buy one
by Robert Maire on 02-15-2022 at 10:00 am

Intel Tower Semiconductor Acquisition

-Intel jumpstarts foundry model with Tower semi buy @$54B Gets complementary tech to round out offerings
-Approval based on satisfying China’s needs as well
-Margin concerns overblown- Will it be allowed to flourish?

Intel pays up to get foundry and technology….

Intel announced a $5.4B acquisition of Tower Semiconductor… Read More

The Intel Foundry Ecosystem Explained

The Intel Foundry Ecosystem Explained
by Daniel Nenni on 02-15-2022 at 5:00 am

Intel Tower Semiconductor Acquisition

Exciting times for the semiconductor industry! Last week Intel announced a billion dollar fund to build a foundry ecosystem and today Intel announced they are acquiring foundry Tower Semiconductor for $5.6 billion dollars, WOW! Some people doubted Intel’s commitment to the foundry market this time. I think we can now put that… Read More