AI and ML for Sanity Regressions

AI and ML for Sanity Regressions
by Bernard Murphy on 10-13-2021 at 6:00 am

machine learning for regressions min

You probably know the value proposition for using AI and ML (machine learning) in simulation regressions. There are lots of knobs you can tweak on a simulator, all there to help you squeeze more seconds, or minutes out of a run. If you know how to use those options. But often it’s easier to talk to your friendly AE, get a reasonable default… Read More

Bringing Sanity to Analog IC Design Verification

Bringing Sanity to Analog IC Design Verification
by Daniel Payne on 05-24-2013 at 1:07 pm

Two weeks ago I blogged about analog verification and it started a discussion with 16 comments, so l’ve found that our readers have an interest in this topic. For decades now the Digital IC design community has used and benefited from regression testing as a way to measure both design quality and progress, ensuring that first… Read More