Power Integrity from 3DIC to Board

Power Integrity from 3DIC to Board
by Bernard Murphy on 09-14-2017 at 7:00 am

The semiconductor industry has built decades of success on hyper-integration to increase functionality and performance while also reducing system cost. But the standard way to do this, to jam more and more functionality onto a single die, breaks down when some of the functions you want to integrate are built in different processes.… Read More

FinFETs, Power Integrity and Chip/Package Co-design

FinFETs, Power Integrity and Chip/Package Co-design
by Bernard Murphy on 02-18-2016 at 7:00 am

FinFETs have brought a lot of good things to design – higher performance, higher density and lower leakage power – promising to extend Moore’s law for a least a while longer. But inevitably with new advances come new challenges, especially around optimizing for power integrity in these designs.

One of these challenges is… Read More