Integration Methodology of High-End SerDes IP into FPGAs

Integration Methodology of High-End SerDes IP into FPGAs
by Kalar Rajendiran on 11-29-2022 at 6:00 am

AlphaCORE100 Multi Standard SerDes

Over the last couple of decades, the electronics communications industry has been a significant driver behind the growth of the FPGA market and continues on. A major reason behind this is the many different high-speed interfaces built into FPGAs to support a variety of communications standards/protocols. The underlying input-output… Read More

The Path to 200 Gbps Serial Links

The Path to 200 Gbps Serial Links
by Kalar Rajendiran on 09-23-2021 at 10:00 am

Industry is Quickly Scaling

Ethernet speed evolution has kept a nice pace over the years even without any competing communications standard. And there are no signs of that slowing down, thanks to innovative companies deploying creative design techniques to keep delivering high-performance SerDes IP solutions. SerDes plays an integral role in implementing… Read More