How To Design a TSMC 20nm Chip with Cadence Tools

How To Design a TSMC 20nm Chip with Cadence Tools
by Paul McLellan on 05-07-2013 at 8:10 pm

Every process node these days has a new “gotcha” that designers need to be aware of. In some ways this has always been the case but the changes used to be gradual. But now each process node has something discontinuously different. At 20nm the big change is double patterning. At 14/16nm it is FinFET.

Rahul Deokar and John… Read More

Virtuoso is 20nm-ready

Virtuoso is 20nm-ready
by Paul McLellan on 01-30-2013 at 1:47 pm

I already talked about how Cadence is splitting Virtuoso into two. Anyway, it is now officially announced. The 6.1 version will continue to be developed as a sort of Virtuoso classic for people doing designs off the bleeding edge that don’t require the new features. And a new Virtuoso 12.1 intended for people doing 20nm and… Read More