Pseudo random generator tutorial in VHDL (Part 3/3)

Pseudo random generator tutorial in VHDL (Part 3/3)
by Claudio Avi Chami on 09-04-2016 at 4:00 pm

On the first two chapters of this Tutorial we started with a simple LFSR module and added a test bench. Then, on chapters three and four we upgraded our module with some features and learned to export the test bench data to files.
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Cadence Grows VIP Business – What’s New?

Cadence Grows VIP Business – What’s New?
by Pawan Fangaria on 10-04-2013 at 10:00 am

VIPs (Verification IPs) are really important in this complex world of SoCs which involve various IPs, interfaces and continuously evolving protocols and standards, thus making the task of verifying an overall system extremely challenging. And the verification must be done in minimum possible run-time and memory consumption.… Read More