Ultra-efficient heterogeneous SoCs for Level 5 self-driving

Ultra-efficient heterogeneous SoCs for Level 5 self-driving
by Don Dingee on 09-14-2022 at 6:00 am

Ultra-efficient heterogeneous SoCs target the AI processing pipeline for Level 5 self-driving

The latest advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) like Mercedes’ Drive Pilot and Tesla’s FSD perform SAE Level 3 self-driving, with the driver ready to take back control if the vehicle calls for it. Reaching Level 5 – full, unconditional autonomy – means facing a new class of challenges unsolvable with existing technology… Read More

Webinar Preview: Alexa, can you help me build a better SoC?

Webinar Preview: Alexa, can you help me build a better SoC?
by Mitch Heins on 09-13-2017 at 7:00 am

Nothing is pushing complexity in system-on-chips (SoCs) designs like the drive (no pun intended) to make autonomous vehicles a widespread reality. Autonomous vehicle systems require heterogeneous architectures with reliable, efficient communications between CPU clusters, vision processing accelerators, storage and… Read More