Creating Workflows for HCL Compass Just Got Easier

Creating Workflows for HCL Compass Just Got Easier
by Mike Gianfagna on 11-05-2020 at 10:00 am

Creating Workflows for HCL Compass Just Got Easier

Workflows allow the world to function. The orderly process of sequencing tasks and automating handoffs creates tremendous potential for efficiency and error avoidance. As they say, time is money and workflows can save a lot of time. The principle applies in all kinds of industries. If you design chips for a living, you’re very … Read More

Executive Interview: Howie Bernstein of HCL

Executive Interview: Howie Bernstein of HCL
by Daniel Nenni on 02-06-2020 at 6:00 am

Howie Bernstein SemiWiki

Howie began his career at Digital Equipment Corporation working on real-time device drivers, but within a few years started working at the other end of the stack with one of the pioneering electronic mail systems.  Since then, Howie has worked on developing systems involving electronic mail, workflow processing, configuration… Read More