Advanced electro-thermal simulation sees deeper inside chips

Advanced electro-thermal simulation sees deeper inside chips
by Don Dingee on 03-29-2023 at 6:00 am

Advanced electro-thermal simulation in Keysight PathWave ADS

Heat and semiconductor reliability exist in an inversely proportional relationship. Before the breaking point at the thermal junction temperature rating, every 10°C rise in steady-state temperature cuts predicted MOSFET life in half. Yet, heat densities rise as devices plunge into harsher environments like smartphones,… Read More

Seeing 1/f noise more accurately

Seeing 1/f noise more accurately
by Don Dingee on 06-15-2022 at 10:00 am

Decimation chain speeds up measurements for 1/f noise

Electronics noise is often described as “white,” spread evenly across a band, typical on older semiconductor processes where thermal and shot noise dominate. As transistors shrink, “pink” 1/f noise takes over at low frequencies – becoming stronger in advanced processes and quantum computing technology. But it’s not an easy… Read More

TSMC Threater Presentation: Lorentz Solution!

TSMC Threater Presentation: Lorentz Solution!
by Daniel Nenni on 06-26-2012 at 8:30 pm

Lorentz Solution presented at TSMC’s DAC 2012 Open Innovation Platform Theater. The presenter was Lorentz Sales Director, Tom Simon. He presented what Lorentz calls its Electromagnetic Design and Analysis Platform. One of the main points of the talk was the cooperative work that Lorentz does with TSMC.

TSMC and Lorentz work … Read More