One Less Reason to Delay that Venture

One Less Reason to Delay that Venture
by Bernard Murphy on 10-11-2018 at 7:00 am

Many of us dream about the wonderful widget we could build that would revolutionize our homes, parking, health, gaming, factories or whatever domain gets our creative juices surging, but how many of us take it the next step? Even when you’re ready to live on your savings, prototypes can be expensive and royalties add to the pain. … Read More

Why ARM Enabling Easy Access to Customized SOC’s Matters

Why ARM Enabling Easy Access to Customized SOC’s Matters
by Tom Simon on 10-14-2015 at 7:00 am

The introduction of the Arduino heralded the huge growth and interest in MCU based designs by people who could never before easily put together the hardware and software system required for implementation of their ideas. I remember the first time I saw the Arduino in use. I was at a talk on how a system for controlling propane jet solenoids… Read More