proteanTecs On-Chip Monitoring and Deep Data Analytics System

proteanTecs On-Chip Monitoring and Deep Data Analytics System
by Kalar Rajendiran on 10-05-2023 at 10:00 am

On chip monitoring and analytics platform

State-of-the-art electronics demand high performance, low power consumption, small footprint and high reliability from their semiconductor products. While this imperative is true across many different market segments, it is critical for applications such as the automotive/autonomous driving and data centers. As electronic… Read More

Semico Research Quantifies the Business Impact of Deep Data Analytics, Concludes It Accelerates SoC TTM by Six Months

Semico Research Quantifies the Business Impact of Deep Data Analytics, Concludes It Accelerates SoC TTM by Six Months
by Kalar Rajendiran on 06-14-2023 at 10:00 am

Design Costs Comparison

The semiconductor industry has been responding to increasing device complexity and performance requirements in multiple ways. To create smaller and more densely packed components, the industry is continually advancing manufacturing technology. This includes the use of new materials and processes, such as extreme ultraviolet… Read More

Maintaining Vehicles of the Future Using Deep Data Analytics

Maintaining Vehicles of the Future Using Deep Data Analytics
by Kalar Rajendiran on 02-27-2023 at 10:00 am

proteanTecs PPM Highlevel View

So much has changed over the recent couple of decades in what constitutes an automobile. Gone are the days when it was essentially an electro-mechanical product, used for just personal transportation. Over the years, it has evolved to adding in-cabin infotainment, tele and data communications, driving assistance, all the way… Read More

How Deep Data Analytics Accelerates SoC Product Development

How Deep Data Analytics Accelerates SoC Product Development
by Kalar Rajendiran on 10-05-2022 at 8:00 am

Continuous Monitoring and Improvement Loop

Ever since the birth of the semiconductor industry, advances have always been at a fast pace. The complexity of SoCs have grown along the way, driven by the demanding computational and communication needs of various market applications. Over the last decade, the growth in complexity has accelerated at unforeseen rates, fueled… Read More