DAC: Calypto Insight Presentation

DAC: Calypto Insight Presentation
by Paul McLellan on 05-01-2013 at 5:39 pm

DAC has several “Insight Presentations” on Wednesday June 5th. Bryan Bowyer from Calypto will be presenting from 2-4pm that day (don’t know where, the DAC website doesn’t have a room number specified yet). The topic is Reducing Design and Debug Time with Synthesizable TLM. TLM, of course, stands for… Read More

Imera Virtual Fabric

Imera Virtual Fabric
by Paul McLellan on 01-10-2012 at 6:00 am

Virtual fabric sounds like something that would be good for making the emperor’s new clothes. I talked today to Les Spruiell of Imera to find out what it really is.

Anyone who has worked as either a designer or as an EDA engineer has had the problem of a customer who has a problem but can’t send you the design since it is (a)… Read More

Formal Verification for Post-silicon Debug

Formal Verification for Post-silicon Debug
by Paul McLellan on 08-23-2011 at 5:52 pm

OK, let’s face it, when you think of post-silicon debug then formal verification is not the first thing that springs to mind. But once a design has been manufactured, debugging can be very expensive. As then-CEO of MIPS John Bourgoin said at DesignCon 2006, “Finding bugs in model testing is the least expensive and most desired… Read More