CEO Interview: Murilo Pilon Pessatti of Chipus Microelectronics

CEO Interview: Murilo Pilon Pessatti of Chipus Microelectronics
by Daniel Nenni on 09-21-2020 at 6:00 am

MuriloPessatti Photo

Murilo Pilon Pessatti is an Electrical Engineer with a MSEE in Analog IC design. He studied in Brazil at São Paulo University (USP) and earned a masters at Campinas State University (UNICAMP). Murilo then moved to Lisbon in Europe to work for ChipIdea, in the early 2000’s when the smartphone era was just taking off.

“I… Read More

Customizable Analog IP No Longer a Pipe Dream

Customizable Analog IP No Longer a Pipe Dream
by Tom Simon on 08-28-2017 at 12:00 pm

Configurable analog IP has traditionally been a tough nut to crack. Digital IP, of course, now provides for wide configurability for varying applications. In the same way that analog design has remained less deterministic as compared to digital design, analog IP has also tended to be less flexible. However, the tide may be turning… Read More