Advanced Packaging Conference (APC) 2024

Advanced Packaging Conference (APC) 2024
by Admin on 07-23-2024 at 8:30 pm

Chiplets and Heterogenous Integration: The Next Frontier in Performance and Efficiency

Innovation and Collaboration: New types of Neural Networks (Large Language Models), such as ChatGPT and other text generator, as well as Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications of different kind, are pushing the demands for High Performance… Read More

Daniel Nenni at the 2024 Design Automation Conference

Daniel Nenni at the 2024 Design Automation Conference
by Daniel Nenni on 06-21-2024 at 4:00 pm

DAC 2024 Banner

This year’s live semiconductor ecosystem conferences have been well attend and I expect the same for #61DAC next week. I will be at the conference from Sunday afternoon to Wednesday evening, if you would like to meet let me know. Networking is an important part of the semiconductor ecosystem so let’s make it happen.… Read More

Mirabilis Design at the 2024 Design Automation Conference

Mirabilis Design at the 2024 Design Automation Conference
by Deepak Shankar on 06-18-2024 at 10:00 am

DAC 2024 Banner

This is the first time in 28 years of my visits to DAC that I have seen so many different technologies arrive at DAC in the same year.  Earlier we would have one or possibly two innovative breakthroughs in semiconductors and embedded systems that emerged at DAC. This year I expect six or may be seven to arrive, and I am not including the… Read More

Webinar: The Era of Software-Defined Everything: Chiplets and Bespoke Silicon

Webinar: The Era of Software-Defined Everything: Chiplets and Bespoke Silicon
by Admin on 04-12-2024 at 2:03 pm

From fintech to automotive, defense to healthcare, everyone wants bespoke computing platforms to build “software-defined solutions” that are differentiated in their respective markets. Sign up and save your spot for this special presentation.

APRIL 25, 2024
9 AM EDT / 3 PM CEST / 6:30 PM IST


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The Data Crisis is Unfolding – Are We Ready?

The Data Crisis is Unfolding – Are We Ready?
by Kalar Rajendiran on 04-09-2024 at 6:00 am

Global Data Sphere for Healthcare Data

The rapid advancement of technology, including generative AI, IoT, and autonomous vehicles, is revolutionizing industries and enhancing efficiency. At the same time, such advances also generate huge amounts of data to be transmitted and processed to make sense and provide value to consumers and society as a whole. In essence,… Read More

Semiconductor Deep Tech Day 2024

Semiconductor Deep Tech Day 2024
by Admin on 04-08-2024 at 1:56 pm

If your job is all about finding the Next Big Thing, you won’t want to miss the next Semiconductor Deep Tech Day on Tuesday April 25, 2023, from 12 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at Plug and Play Tech Center – 440 North Wolfe Road – Sunnyvale, CA 94085 – United States

See some of the latest semiconductor technologies in action and network with… Read More

Unleash the Power: NVIDIA GPUs, Ansys Simulation

Unleash the Power: NVIDIA GPUs, Ansys Simulation
by Daniel Nenni on 03-19-2024 at 10:00 am

Electromagnatic PerceiveEM

In the realm of engineering simulations, the demand for faster, more accurate solutions to complex multiphysics challenges is ever-growing.

Simulation is a vital tool for engineers to design, test, and optimize complex systems and products. It helps engineers reduce costs, improve quality, and accelerate innovation. However,… Read More

GSA 2024 European Executive Forum

GSA 2024 European Executive Forum
by Admin on 03-15-2024 at 2:06 pm

The GSA European Executive Forum is our flagship event in Europe which, over two days, always attracts the very top speakers and attendees: 300 senior decision makers, the majority VP and C-level profiles.

Over the past 20 years, it has become the reference executive event for the semiconductor industry in the EMEA region.

This… Read More

2024 Outlook with Elad Alon of Blue Cheetah Analog Design

2024 Outlook with Elad Alon of Blue Cheetah Analog Design
by Daniel Nenni on 03-13-2024 at 10:00 am

elad alon sq

We have been working with Blue Cheetah Analog Design for three years now with great success. With new process nodes coming faster than ever before and with chiplets being pushed to the forefront of technology, the die-to-die interconnect traffic on SemiWiki has never been greater and chiplets is one of our top search terms.

TellRead More

Chiplet ecosystems enable multi-vendor designs

Chiplet ecosystems enable multi-vendor designs
by Don Dingee on 02-20-2024 at 6:00 am

Chiplet Product Use Cases

Chiplets dominate semiconductor industry conversations right now – and after the recent Chiplet Summit, we expect the intensity to go up a couple of notches. One company name often heard is Blue Cheetah, and we had the opportunity to sit down with them recently to discuss their views and their just-announced design win at Tenstorrent.… Read More