Webinar: Annapurna Labs and Altair Team up for Rapid Chip Design in the Cloud

Webinar: Annapurna Labs and Altair Team up for Rapid Chip Design in the Cloud
by Mike Gianfagna on 04-07-2021 at 6:00 am

Annapurna Labs and Altair Team up for Rapid Chip Design in the Cloud

This is a story of strategic recursion. Yes, a fancy term. I just made up. If you’re not into algorithm development you can Google recursion, but the simple explanation is we’re talking about using the cloud to design the cloud. The story begins with Annapurna Labs, a fabless chip company focused on bringing innovation to cloud infrastructure,… Read More

No Semiconductor Design Cloud Strategy? Really?

No Semiconductor Design Cloud Strategy? Really?
by Andrea Casotto on 03-14-2012 at 6:00 pm

I ask my customers about their cloud strategy and they all tell me “none”. The main reason is a red herring: “The legal department will never allow our IP outside our walls”.

Security issues on the cloud are largely solved, as proven by the fact that banks have no problem using external clouds. Behind the curtain, the real reason for… Read More