Building a Solar Powered Ice Freezer

Building a Solar Powered Ice Freezer
by Tom Simon on 12-18-2016 at 4:00 pm

My vacation is your worst nightmare. Well, at least that is what the bumper sticker says – it’s referring to Burning Man. It’s well known that among the tens of thousands of people attending this arts festival in Nevada at the end of each Summer there are lots of high tech luminaries. I also have gone many times – not to say that I am a luminary.… Read More

Heads Up! Photonics West is Just Around the Corner

Heads Up! Photonics West is Just Around the Corner
by Mitch Heins on 12-04-2016 at 4:00 pm

As I write about integrated photonics I continue to hear from long-time experts in the field who lament that integrated photonics has been around for decades and other than telecom/datacom, it seems to never be a mainstream technology. It’s hard to argue that this time around it will be different as those people have lived through… Read More

The "Great Acceleration"

The "Great Acceleration"
by Arthur Hanson on 12-24-2015 at 7:00 am

The “Great Acceleration” is upon us. On all fronts technology in everything is advancing at an ever accelerating rate due to improvements in education/training, increased power and functionality of hardware, software, access to information(Google, technical publications, etc.) prototyping techniques (3D… Read More

Maker Faire San Mateo

Maker Faire San Mateo
by Paul McLellan on 04-20-2014 at 9:30 pm

A few years ago my then-girlfriend was an artist and she had some friends who were in the maker movement, one who ran a tool “lending library” and so on. So she wanted to go to the Maker Faire, which is a huge event held in San Mateo exhibit center. In those days it was more like an outgrowth of burning man but there were already… Read More