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Search results

  1. A

    AI/ML Massive Impact on the world has started and accelerating

    The full impact of AI/ML and its integration into everything is just starting. When the integration of AI/ML into advanced robotics and research starts to take hold watch out, the world as we have known it will change forever and there is no going back. The obsolescence of information and...
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    AI/ML/ADVANCED ROBOTICS Automating Everything in very early stages, who wins?

    AI/ML/Advanced Robotics are in the very early stages of automating everything and society, business and governments are totally unprepared to manage this unstoppable trend. The big question is who is going to manage this trend, or it will lead to unimaginable disruptions and conflicts on a scale...
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    AI/ML to save world economy

    The rise and adoption of AI/ML may be the savior of the world economy. The power of AI/ML combined with the advanced robotics and research on steroids is a total game changer for the world economy and it is still in its very early stages and picking up speed in utility and widespread adoption...
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    The Foundry Model, a new economic model

    With the world getting more complex with higher and higher costs, will the foundry model will continue to expand to more and more areas, even retail as Costco and other retail chains have done to increase efficiencies through scale at every step of the way. In more and more areas contract...
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    Will TSM become the largest foundry in the US?

    Any thoughts or comments appreciated, TSM already is the most advanced foundry in the US from what I can gather/
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    Tesla Must Be Protected

    If I buy a car, the Tesla will be my first choice, by then Tesla should have a far better battery for I keep my cars about twenty years and my current vehicle is a Honda CRV 2015 with about 36K miles. I hardly drive since everything is close where I live in Nevada.
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    China to dominate medical technology

    Dan, what do you think the real costs of your surgery where and why so much? Is it the system that's poor, corruption or just because the technology is in its infancy? I feel robotic surgery will get better as the more it's used the more comprehensive the data base will be. What do you feel...
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    Who will win the AI/ML application race?

    Applying advanced technologies is as important and sometimes even more important than the technologies themselves. AI/ML combined with advanced, flexible manufacturing systems and techniques will be key to winning the economic race. Automation on a massive scale and penetration will determine...
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    Tesla Must Be Protected

    China has the advantage of few environmental controls and the use of slave or near slave labor that's willing to work for wages no westerner could even survive on. It is also a command-and-control economy that no westerner would tolerate. I have a close friend and genius engineer who was sad...
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    Tesla can never match Chinese cost structure

    China is a command and control economy that uses low cost and even near slave labor with few environmental controls. No one in China is protesting against China's industry, environmental policies or the communist control of the Chinese economy unless they want to end up in a reeducation camp...
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    Tesla Must Be Protected

    Tesla is key to competing against the Chinese in the area of high-tech cars. Tesla incorporates numerous high-end sensors, Nvidia chips, Micron memory along with state-of-the-art battery systems. Tesla is a key part of the tech structure of the US and even competes in space with Space X. If...
  12. A

    AI/ML driving accelerated obsolescence, Wisdom Needed

    AI/ML driving accelerating obsolescence at a speed the business and personal worlds that require a whole new thinking and organization that both people, government and business haven't learned how to utilize or harness. This trend is driving changes at an ever-accelerating rate that demands new...
  13. A

    Exclusive-Intel's new CEO plots overhaul of manufacturing and AI operations

    Having met one of Andy Groves admins while on vacation, she said Andy Grove was very approachable, as long as the idea or proposal was well thought out by anyone. She said one day a junior person approached Andy Grove with just an idea while people around held their breath waiting for a...
  14. A

    What will the cost-effective lifespan of AI chips?

    Thanks for the valuable insights, I come from the distant past when IBM was the safe choice. They use to own a large piece of the market at the time. It shows even a Titan can fall behind.
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    What will the cost-effective lifespan of AI chips?

    Any thoughts or comments on this appreciated. Will these chips/boards be recycled for lower end uses? Will there be an active market for chips as they fall from the leading edge? Will they be rendered uneconomic for other purposes? Will their effective lifespan shrink faster or slower...
  16. A

    AI/ML/Advanced Robotics, The Ultimate Disruptor

    Combining AI/ML/Advanced Robotics with modern communications will be the ultimate disruptor being able to far surpass any human or even group of humans in the very near future. When even labs for experimentation are automated, we will enter a whole new age. Already the power of AI/ML to sweep...
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    China going to war, a loser for all

    War is the last refuge of the incompetent, and I hope the Chinese leadership will realizes war is the worst option. Even the winner in a war suffers and, in most cases, no one wins without terrible costs. It's time for leaders to focus and win/win scenarios as the best alternative. Tech is...
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    Digital Services, The Sleeping Giant

    In this age of high-tech semis, the digital world that knows no borders is becoming the next area of economic growth and conflict with digital services of all types from business services to entertainment all growing at a rapid clip. This area of business and commerce can move and morph faster...
  19. A

    efabless just shut down

    Is there a place for the small EDA firms that specialize in a specific area that are not open source? Is open source in EDA a dead area?