DAC 2018 will take place in San Francisco in June (24 to 28) and you have a fantastic opportunity to present a paper in the IP track! In fact, the deadline has been extended to January 30[SUP]th[/SUP] to submit your proposal.
Let’s make it clear: you are not expected to send the completed paper by this date, just the following:
- The title of the presentation
- Abstract of 100 words
- Category (a list is provided at the bottom)
- Topic Area (a list will be provided)
- Presenter(s) name, affiliation, city, state, country, and email address
- Upload 6 slides max PowerPoint presentation (extra note is optional but preferred)
If you are not familiar with the DAC IP track, here is a summary extracted from the DAC web site:
The IP Trackis targeted specifically at practitioners. Whether you are an hardware designer, IP provider, IP core user, application engineer or verification IP user, the IP Track is an ideal place to meet and share your experiences.
This year, IP Track will include presentations, poster sessions and a rich set of invited talks/panels to facilitate information exchange and interactions. It offers a unique opportunity to network with and learn from other industry experts about best practices and current trends. There is no better way to improve your “IP IQ” in such a short amount of time.
DAC IP Track is looking for presentation and poster submissions with timely topics and high-quality contents targeting challenges, innovations and trends in IP architecture, design, integration, reuse, ecosystem, and verification IP. This includes the unique application requirements and challenges for advanced technologies, automotive, security, Machine Learning, and the Internet of Things.
Presenting a paper, especially in a highly visible conference like DAC, is a great opportunity and I tell you why. If you are part of a small to medium company involved in IP design or IP verification, one of the most challenging task is to get access to your customers. These may simply don’t know about your product or your company but would need the type of IP you are designing.
Obviously, you can invest into marcom, invest into booths, write white paper and more. But if you can also spend one day or less and write about the design or verification of your IP product and submit your proposal, this effort may be rewarded (assuming your paper is selected). You and your company will benefit from the high visibility of such a conference, and may reach people who could become new customers. Don’t forget that the paper will be listed on the DAC website, so even people who don’t physically attend to your presentation will become aware of you and your product!
But, please, don’t send pure marketing material, it would be rejected. The DAC IP track list a few conditions that your paper will have to fulfill:
· Accepted IP Track submissions (both posters and presentation slides) will be made available on the DAC website after the conference as a part of the DAC Archives.
· IP Track submission will be accepted as a 15 minute presentation or presented as a poster in a 90 minute group session.
· A good IP Track presentation addresses innovative solutions with high-quality results. The considerations used by the program committee in acceptance decisions include:oSignificance of results supported by clear, measurable criteria, including, but not limited to: improved quality of silicon, decreased complexity, and reduced time-to-market.
oAbility to overcome design challenges such as scalability and integrating IP.
oValidation of the proposed techniques using real designs, case studies, or established benchmarks.
oA good IP track presentation inspires vision and healthy discussion for advancing the design and IP community.
oQuality of material including writing, illustrations, and organization.
oProduct marketing material is inappropriate for the IP Track.
Best Paper Award, Best Poster Award: your paper or poster can be selected to get the best paper (best poster) award. In this case, you will be notified before the conference that you are in the short-list. I can tell you from experience that it’s always a great emotion when you receive this notification! But only one paper and one poster will receive the award…
Are you ready to jumpstart and write an IP focused paper?
Go to this “IP Track Presentation Submissions”
From Eric Esteve from IPnest
Category List:
·IP.01 IP Provider CPU / GPU / DSP
·IP.02 IP Provider Memory Controller / NOC
·IP.03 IP Provider Communications IP
·IP.04 IP Provider Analog / PHY / High speed interfaces
·IP.05 IP Provider Embedded Software
·IP.06 IP Provider Configurable IP / IP Compilers
·IP.07 IP sub-systems / Multi-discipline IP / Programmable logic IP
·IP.08 IP optimized for emerging markets and applications such as Automotive, IoT, Mobility, Networking, Cloud, Security, Resilience, Etc.
·IP.09 IP Management / Assembly / Strategy / Roadmap
·IP.10 IP Verification / Validation
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