Podcast EP117: More Good News From Wally Rhines and the SEMI Electronic Design Market Data Report
Dan is joined by Dr. Walden Rhines, former CEO of Mentor Graphics, which is now Siemens EDA, and current CEO of Cornami. Wally is also the Executive Sponsor of the SEMI Electronic Design Market Data Report, which is the topic of this podcast.
The current market report for Q2, 2022 documents continued strong performance, with some record-breaking growth. Dan explores the details of the report with Wally, including an assessment of weaknesses in certain regions and what the overall outlook will likely be for the industry.
The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in these podcasts belong solely to the speaker, and not to the speaker’s employer, organization, committee or any other group or individual.
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Podcast EP267: The Broad Impact Weebit Nano’s ReRAM is having with Coby Hanoch