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TSMC UMC and Global Foundry 65nm/55nm LP Technology



Does anyone has a comparison and experience between Global Foundry / UMC and TSMC on 65nm/55nm LP technology ?</SPAN>
TSMC and UMC are Taiwan-based semiconductor foundries. They both have office in US and China. Global Foundry is a unified semiconductor foundry who handles the US business for fabless ASIC design companies. The main part of Global Foundry are closed to IBM, NY, though it has fundries from AMD in Gemany and may have more else where.

All of them should have a qualified 65/45nm low power process on line, since 65nm and 55nm are not very new technologies.
Posted by Franklin
The location of UMC/TSMC/SMIC and Gloabal Foundry is well known in the comapny i work also the marketing presentations presented by UMC/Global Foundry /TSMC and SMIC marketing.
i'm looking for defect density differences , process variation, stability differences, PDK pacakge, design simulation Vs. Actual silicon prefromance.
Collegues with real expirence using these technologies who can share their findings & fexpirence. If needed i'll share my privtae e-mail.
Collegues with real expirence using these technologies who can share their findings & fexpirence. If needed i'll share my privtae e-mail.

Problem is that people who know probably are not allowed to talk about it in public, certainly not compare different foundries.
Hi Staf_Verhaegen,

i assume you're right otherwise i had an answer by now. However i think it's quite interesting, suprising not to menthion dissapointing that in the inetrent era, a basic comparision isn't presented by customer/s who are using the technologies provided by different FAB vendors.

Best Regards
Ronny Haddad
I made some inquiries and what you are asking for is very confidential information. In fact, if someone did post it I would have to delete it to avoid legal liability. I was also told that this data changes so it probably would be obsolete by the time it got out.