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Mentor speeds up Eldo with a new version called Eldo Premier

Daniel Payne

Quite a lively discussion going on now at LinkedIn

Cadence upgraded Spectre to Spectre Turbo.

Synopsys re-wrote HSPICE to speed it up.

Berkeley DA offers Analog Fast SPICE.

Magma has FineSim.
Here are my comments on eldo premier since I am using it to death these days ...
a) It is about ~16% faster than the normal eldo simulator on a single core run.
b) When multi-cores are engaged, it is ~30% faster than a normal eldo run. This is mainly because it is better at utilizing the cpu cores.

accuracy is pretty good I would say ... though I have yet to dig into the differences between the 2 sims I did.

One thing that I am missing in eldo premier is the noise transient simulation. This differenting feature of eldo is not available.

I can only compare within eldo as I don't have access to the other simulators. I would be intrigued to see how it compares to BDA.
I was simulating a delta sigma ADC ... one of the blocks not listed in the graphics. However, it is listed in the "target applications" section. I guess if they placed it in the graphics, the speedup will be very minimal ... in my case only 16% faster ! Another marketing gimmick !

However ... realistically, I will be running it on a multi-core machine ... hence the speedup is ~30% ... which is still significant.

One major drawback is that the licence usage is 2x !
tell me about it ... I ended up using 4 licences to run my sim ...

2 licences used because I was using 4 cores ... and then double that because of premier !
Perspective: I have not used Eldo or Eldo Premier, nor do I have any axe to grind in this discussion.
Comment: In fairness to Mentor marketing (and marketing in general). simulation speed-ups are not the same for all circuits. Some will be sped up more, some less. The proper thing to do is to take a "representative set of circuits" (difficult to define) and look at the speed-up you get from them. This gives you a range of results. Marketing usually takes the higher end of those results.
It does look like you have achieved some speed-up, though not the expected amount - for this circuit.
To put that in perspective, it is very difficult to achieve large speed-ups for SPICE-type accuracy because of the near optimization originally done with SPICE.
Pricing is not usually proportional to speed-up - more related to the increased opportunity customers can obtain.
don't get me wrong, I am very pleased with the (any) speedup (esp since I did not have to go out and buy another simulator) ...
... and even more pleased that multi-core sims work well (>350% cpu usage on a 4 core machine).