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DAC 2011 is upon us!



Here we go again, that wonderful time of year. No, not Christmas, DAC! Now is the time of year when all the EDA vendors are scurrying about finishing whatever it is they plan on doing at DAC. Since the business climate seems to be improving, it would be nice to see an increase in attendance. I like San Diego, I think it’s a great place to have DAC. Some think DAC is going the way of the Dodo, what with blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and whatever else seems more current. Is DAC pointless now? I say no. Sometimes you just gotta get out there and press the flesh. DAC is as much about person to person networking as it is about press releases and demos. DAC is a place to connect with people you might not regularly connect with in spite of all the opportunities to connect in cyberspace. It’s just more personal to greet an old colleague or sit in on a discussion and ask a direct question than it is to view something dry and anonymous on the web. Just my opinion, FWIW.
Free Exhibits Floor Passes

48th DAC: Atrenta, Cadence and SpringSoft Sponsor Free Exhibits Floor Passes and I LOVE DAC campaign
Wear an “I LOVE DAC’ pin to be eligible to win a $600 Apple gift card

LOUISVILLE, Colo. – May 25, 2011 – Offering a unique opportunity to enter the 48th Design Automation Conference (DAC) for free, Atrenta, Cadence, and SpringSoft are sponsoring three-day exhibits passes through the third annual ‘I LOVE DAC’ campaign at DAC. DAC is the premier conference devoted to design and design automation of electronic systems. The conference and exhibition will be held at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California, from June 5-9, 2011.
“Let’s face it, DAC is the centerpiece event for EDA users and EDA suppliers,” said Mike Gianfagna, vice president of marketing at Atrenta. “We are delighted to be working alongside Cadence and SpringSoft to bring more deserving folks onto the show floor at DAC. I only wish we could afford to buy tickets for everyone. So I encourage people to hurry and sign up now before the supply of free passes runs out.”

“As a leading event for the EDA industry, DAC gives attendees the opportunity to experience the latest advancements in design automation,” said Todd Lenz, vice president of global marketing for Cadence Design Systems. “In an industry where collaboration is fundamental to design success, it’s important that we make the DAC exhibits accessible to as many people as possible. The cooperation of Atrenta, Cadence, and SpringSoft will help realize that goal.”

“SpringSoft is thrilled to sponsor the 'I LOVE DAC' program for the third consecutive year. DAC is an event that the design community shouldn't miss out on, so anything we can do to make it more accessible is good for users, vendors and the industry,” said Thomas Li, marketing director at SpringSoft.
3-Day Exhibit Floor Pass
The exhibits pass allows attendees to see what over 200 vendors are demonstrating and talking about on the exhibition floor in 2011. The pass also allows registrants to attend the “Up Close and Personal” interview with Steve Wozniak sponsored by Magma Design Automation and three additional great keynotes. It also grants access to cocktail receptions every evening, and to the excellent technical presentations at the Pavilion Panels, Embedded Theater presentations and panels, Exhibitor Forum presentations, and the Embedded Systems & Software zone. Register here for a free exhibits pass -- DAC 2011

I LOVE DAC Campaign
Attendees wearing an I LOVE DAC button are eligible to win one of three $600 Apple gift cards. One card each day will be given out randomly on the show floor to someone wearing a 2009, 2010 or 2011 I LOVE DAC pin. The 2011 edition of this collectable pin can be picked up at the Atrenta, Cadence or SpringSoft booths.
About DAC
The Design Automation Conference (DAC) is recognized as the premier event for the design of electronic circuits and systems, and for electronic design automation (EDA) and silicon solutions. A diverse worldwide community representing more than 1,000 organizations attends each year, represented by system designers and architects, logic and circuit designers, validation engineers, CAD managers, senior managers and executives to researchers and academicians from leading universities. Close to 60 technical sessions selected by a committee of electronic design experts offer information on recent developments and trends, management practices and new products, methodologies and technologies. A highlight of DAC is its exhibition and suite area with approximately 200 of the leading and emerging EDA, silicon, intellectual property (IP) and design services providers. The conference is sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the Electronic Design Automation Consortium (EDA Consortium), and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and is supported by ACM's Special Interest Group on Design

Design Automation Conference acknowledges trademarks or registered trademarks of other organizations for their respective products and services.
# # #
For more information, please contact:
Michelle Clancy: or call 1-303-530-4334
A List of all the Places to Win an iPad at DAC 2011

I decided to take my list of companies giving away iPads this year and turn it in to a little web site.

Win An iPad at DAC .com

We whipped it together for fun in the spirit of all the must see lists that come out this time of year.

I hope we can find a way to get everyone giving away an iPad this year involved.

I've probably missed a few. My contact information is at the bottom of the site. Feel free to get in touch if you've got ideas or know of someone I missed.

And yes, the company I work for is giving away iPads, too.
It will be interesting to see how many iPad2s will actually be on the DAC floor. Apple is rationing them, I was lucky to get 12 before they cut me off. Now you can only order 2. You will probably see iPad1s and Apple gift certificates.

I have been playing with one of the iPad2s, playing is the key word. To me they are still toys. Great for reading, okay for surfing, not good for working.

We worked around the limit for iPad2s by having different people order them.

I've been considering getting an iPad 2 myself. I'd like to think it could replace the bulky laptop I carry with me when I travel. For checking email, presentations, and video chatting with my family back home, it seems like an iPad would be ideal. I don't think I could get much of my normal day to day work done, though.
Car Pooling to DAC - Sunday/Thursday

A friend and I are carpooling down to San Diego and back. Let me know if you are interested in joining the bus in either or both directions.

FYI - optimized for smart phones

On my Android phone I was pleasantly surprised to find an optimized version of the DAC web site. Well done!
I hope we can find a way to get everyone giving away an iPad this year involved.

